The Sugar Block Club 2013 Wrap Up

2013 has brought many wonderful things. New friends, in person and on-line via Instagram, new skills and some fun trips. One of the highlights of this year was in the sewing/quilting part of my life. It was participating in Amy Gibson’s Sugar Block Club. When you ask me who my quilting idol is, I am quick to answer with the name Amy Gibson. I first “met” her in January of 2012 when I signed up for her BOM class on I didn’t make all of those blocks that year, but I learned so much from Amy’s instruction and guidance. With the skills I learned from her class, and many other resources, both on-line and while working at the now closed LQS, I have gained a great sense of confidence in my skills as a quilt maker. I love sewing everyday and feel fortunate to find constant inspiration every day. Thanks to The Sugar Block Club, Stitchery Dickory Dock and Instagram, I now call Amy one of my online friends. She is a SUPER MOM, amazing designer and quilt maker and such a sweetheart!

Getting back to business, I have finished making all twelve blocks from The Sugar Block Club 2013. Next up is assembling the top. I ordered my border and backing fabrics over the summer and I am excited about the traditional layout I will do with cornerstones and mitered corners on my border. I have loved using Denyse Schmidt’s Flea Market Fancy. The fabrics in this collection are so fresh but with a vintage feel. I blended in some fabrics from her Quilter’s Quarters line at Joann’s and the outcome is perfect in my opinion. All those fun colors pop against Kona Snow. The border and background fabrics are the two grey florals from FMF.

Now for the exciting news! Amy Gibson and Electric Quilt hosted a giveaway of EQ7 on Amy’s blog, Stitchery Dickory Dock. People, I WON!!!!! I couldn’t believe it but I was determined and entered in the giveaway everyday. I received the SWEETEST email from Amy letting me know I had won. By the end of the week I received my software from Jenny at Electric Quilts and I have hit the ground running.

Moving into 2014, I have already signed up for Amy’s Sugar Block Club 2014 Edition. I can’t wait to see what she has in store for all of us, her fans and friends! I hope you’ll join us in 2014!


About Lady K Quilts

You can call me Lady K! I'm a quilt maker, music lover, singer, wifey, fur mama, and lover of life, food, T.V., and movies. This blog is dedicated to my quilty world and all the people in it.
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3 Responses to The Sugar Block Club 2013 Wrap Up

  1. I hope you like Eq. I have version 5 but I don’t use it to its full capabilities. I need to take a class.

  2. Amy Gibson says:

    Ahh, Lady, lady, lady, we must meet in person someday!!! You are an absolute ray of sunshine, and I’m so incredibly honored to know that you’ve enjoyed my classes and blog. 🙂 You are the type of quilter to made me want to blog and teach in the first place….it’s all about learning from one another, making new friends, and having fun. Here’s to a fun new year of quilting, friends, and FUN! xo

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